Dr Ruvi Samarasekera is a clinical geneticist. She is passionate about empowering individuals and families to use their genetic information to improve their health journey and obtain the support they need to live to their full potential. Dr Samarasekera completed her genetics training at the Sydney Children’s Hospital
Network, Liverpool Hospital, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and Prince of Wales Hospital and now works at First Light Genetics….
A clinical geneticist is a doctor with specialist training in diagnosing and managing genetic conditions. Genetic conditions are health conditions caused by changes in a person’s genetic makeup.
Dr Samarasekera’s clinical experience includes prenatal (before birth) genetic screening, childhood and adult genetic conditions, and cancer genetics. Her special interests are developmental and childhood-onset disorders, cardiac genetics, cancer genetics and pregnancy planning and counselling for couples.
Dr Samarasekera research interests include the clinical value of genetic testing, and the ethical application of healthcare for families, conducted at the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network.
Dr Samarasekera is passionate about mentoring and supporting future doctors. She has taught communication skills to medical students at the University of Sydney and the Pam Maclean Centre at Royal North Shore Hospital for many years. Dr Samarasekera is also a clinical lecturer at the University of New South Wales.
Ruvi is a member of The Human Genetics Society of Australasia (HGSA) and a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (RACP).
When she is not in the clinic or teaching, Ruvi enjoys creating art and spending time with her young family.